Wednesday 20 March 2013

#5 Global Classroom

1.    A globally competent citizen exhibits the characteristics listed below. Explain clearly as you can what each characteristic mean to you?
a.      Has appreciation for people from other cultures
It means that we need to respect and appreciate the other culture. Respect and appreciate their customs, and habits that characterize to their particular society or nation, also their beliefs, values, behavior and they way they live. For example they perform their traditional dance or their beliefs in something, the foods in their place we need to appreciate and respect all these so that we can build a good relationship to other. We can also be friends.
b.      Is sensitive to the needs of people different from themselves

We need to know that are the culture of others so that we can know how to communicate with them. Because if you didn’t know the culture of other you may hurt them by telling something. We need to respect the others.

c.       Has increasing knowledge about people around the world

We can gain or get more inforsmation/ knowledge about other people if we have a good relationship with them. You also need to be friendship so that every individual more comfortable with sharing about their interest and etc. you need to start the conversation about you.

d.      Has critical cognitive skills and attitudes such as empathy, interconnectedness, perspective taking, cross-cultural understanding, action orientation, and prejudice reduction.


Characteristics of a Global Classroom
How can you make your classroom a global community?
Global perspective is integrated throughout the school curriculum not just in social studies.
To have a Global classroom I will integrate it in all subjects.
International focus courses are developed in areas such as anthropology, regional history, geography, global or world studies, foreign language study, world religions, ethnic group studies, international business, music, and art.
I will provide activities that help to the pupils to be a global learning. I will provide materials that they can learn other language, the culture of other, to appreciate arts and music.
Internationalizing instructional methods and materials emphasize intercultural interaction and culturally appropriate methods of instruction and assessment. Partnership programs with other schools and countries can also be developed.
I will provide activities that help to pupils to develop their social aspect, also material that they can learn the culture of others. I will conduct seminars that develop about partnership in other countries.
Encouraging international travel as an important part of one’s education
I will conduct a fieldtrip so that they can see what have the other place. They can also go to historical place.

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