Wednesday 20 March 2013

#2 DE

1. Describe the differences between a traditional/conventional face-to-face education and distance education.

The difference between traditional/convention face to face education and distance education. In face-to-face education it is classroom setting, the pupil saw the teacher personally, they can talk the teacher every time, the teacher also use visual materials like charts, cartolina, pictures, real object and other visual materials. In this education the teacher may use traditional assessment the paper and pencil test. The pupils need to go to school, attend in the morning activity the flag ceremony. The pupils know how to communicate and play with other pupils like them, the pupils and the teacher saw each other with a same time and place, the teacher can pay attention and monitoring to the pupil, and the teacher also saw the behavior of the every pupil, while the distance education the pupil can learn without they did not saw the teacher personal, the pupils did not experience how to attend in every morning activity, go to school, used pencil and paper test. Here in distance education it is about internet. The teacher and the student can communicate even they are not in the same place and time. It also provides opportunities to learn not only for children also for adult and for those who had disabilities. Distance education also provides materials for every types of learner.

2. What are the benefits of distance learning? How do they provide access to the different types of learners?
The benefits of distance learning are it save time and money that you spent on travel back and forth to school, you can learn from time to time, through internet you can gain more knowledge, you can learn on your own, look quickly for the word or information you need.
Distance learner access the different types of learner. Through internet it helps to different types of learner; the visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, global, and analytic learners, it provides the needs of every learner. Because it has many source of learning materials. They can use the google, you tube, yahoo, and other links to provide the need of the learners.
3.    Describe the four types of interaction result to reciprocal exchange of communication and understanding of the course content.
a.      Learner-Content Interaction – The first type of interaction takes place between the student and the content, or the subject matter that is delivered to him or her. Interaction with content takes place when the learner, with the help of the teacher or the teaching institution, establishes new knowledge by encountering new information and combining it with the body of knowledge already retained by him or her.
b.      Learner-Instructor – The interaction that transpires between students and instructor is intended to help reinforce student understanding of the material or elucidate meaning. Interaction with instructors can help students clarify unclear points and reinforce correct interpretation of course information. Most often this type of interaction is transmitted by electronic means such as chat discussion or e-mail communications. Unlike the traditional classroom where the instructor takes the center stage as a lecturer, in distance education, the instructor becomes more of a facilitator.
c.       Learner-learner – The interaction that occurs among students is extremely dissimilar between a web-based learning and a traditional classroom setting. The internet format excluded physical interaction, which may have an impact in learning. Learner-learner interaction can be between one student and another or between several students. Teamwork or collaborative learning involves students working together in groups to complete academic requirements. This form of learner-learner interaction is intended to promote understanding of the course content and stimulate critical learning.
d.      Learner-Technology/System – Students’ experience with computers can affect their learning in distance education as well as improve their computer skills. How students view their interaction with technology is affected by their access to the technology. Many students may not have access to the computer lab or a personal computer. In order to effectively participate in distance education, learners must be computer-literate.

4.     Explain the following quote and ask at least 2 persons to write their reactions about your write-up thru the comment box of your post.
“Interaction is the key component of this use of the technology to support a more social learning, negotiating meaning through interaction with peers over distance, and forming a sense of community using the technology.” - Amirian

           For me, it means that we can communicate with the use of technology. we can also have many friends because now we have many sites that we can use to interact with other. Using internet you can see or feel that you are near to the person you love even he/she is in the other country/place.

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