Thursday 21 March 2013

#10 DONE!

3.      Describe your experience on EDUC165 Distance Learning. Indicate the pros and cons.
My experience on EDUC 165 Distance Learning, it is good, I learned many information about this. Distance learning is good it helps a lot to the students, it gives more information that we need, and it provides opportunities to everyone to learn. In distance learning not only the students learn also the people/ adult.
 We can learn many things through distance learning but every child need to experience to go to school. Communicate and play with other like them. Being a child it is a precious memories because you learn many things specially if the child did a wrong thing. We all know that experience is the best teacher. For me classroom setting is also good because the teacher can monitor the pupil. The pupil will become more responsible specially to budget their time. Go to school on time. Attend to the activities or program of the school.
4.      Evaluate the course

This course is interesting, it also develops the skills of each every student, and it helps the student to be more aware in using internet. Sing a song in other language is a good experience. But this course many tasks you need to do. It is hard to do because as a practice teacher I don’t have much time to open my computer because of many tasks that the cooperating gives to me. Sometimes I go home 7 in the evening because of many things we need to finish. For practice teacher like me time is a big big problem. This course gives much knowledge. I experience many things that change me and that changes happened to me I become stronger.  Being a distance teacher it is a good experience because through internet you can know share your knowledge to other. I is a opportunity to tell that we can gain more knowledge/ information by watching a story or studying in the use of internet.

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